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fracturedadjective forcibly separated into many piecesa fractured radius that will have to be pieced together with a metal plate and screws broken, busted, fragmented, shattered, smashed blasted, detonated, explodedcracked, slivered, splintered, splitcollapsed, implodeddemolished, destroyed, devastated, pulverized, ruinate, ruined, wreckeddamaged, defaced, disintegrated, dynamited, mangled, mutilatederadicated, exterminated, extirpated, obliterated, wiped outbreakable, brittle, delicate, fragile, frail, frangible unbroken fixed, healed, mended, patched, rebuilt, reconstructed, repairedinfrangible, unbreakable fracturedverbpast tense of fractureto cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forciblyfractured his arm in the fall broke, broke up, busted(also bust), disintegrated, dismembered, disrupted, fragmented, rived atomized, crushed, ground, powdered, pulverized, reducedblasted, blew up, burst(also bursted), detonated, explodedcracked, popped, shattered, shivered, smashedchipped, slivered, splintered, splitimplodeddestroyed, ruined, wrecked doctored, fixed, healed, mended, patched, rebuilt, reconditioned, reconstructed, renovated, repaired to fail to keepcivil liberties that have been fractured by the government's actions breached, broke, contravened, infringed (on or upon), offended, traduced, transgressed, violated disobeyed, rebelledblew off, brushed (off), disregarded, flouted, ignored, neglected, overlooked, overpassed, passed over, slighted, tuned out, winked (at)dismissed, pooh-poohed(also poohed), scorned, shrugged offdefied, resisted, withstood complied (with), conformed (to), followed, minded, obeyed, observed deferred (to), served, submitted (to), surrendered (to), yielded (to)attended, heard, heeded, listened (to), marked, noted, noticed, regarded, watched in 1588 |