例句 |
mutesnounpl. of mute a device on a musical instrument that deadens or softens its toneI was practicing my trumpet at three in the morning when the mute fell out, and I managed to wake everyone up mutesverbpresent tense third-person singular of muteto stop the noise or speech ofmuted the television while she was on the phone dumbs, extinguishes, hushes, quells, quietens(chiefly British), quiets, settles, shushes, shuts up, silences, squelches, stills agitates, stirs to deaden the sound ofclosing the windows muted the traffic noise so we could get to sleep muffles, stifles insulates, soundproofspadsdampens, mellows, softens, subdues, tones (down)bafflessmothers unmuffles amplifies, boosts, deepens, enhances, heightens, increases, magnifies, steps up, strengthens |