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freeadjective not being under the rule or control of anotherthe 20th century saw many African countries become free after many years of European rule autonomous, freestanding, independent, self-governed, self-governing, self-ruling, separate, sovereign(also sovran) freeborndelivered, emancipated, freed, liberated, manumitted, redeemed, releasedunconquered, unruled, unsupervisedempowered, enfranchiseddemocratic, republican dependent, nonautonomous, non-self-governing, subject, unfree bound, captive, conquered, enslaved, fettered, subdued, subjugatedinferior, subordinate, subservient no longer burdened with something unpleasant or painfulafter our son arrived home safely, we were grateful to be free from worry disencumbered, quit, shut (of), unburdened delivered, freed, liberated, releasedunhampered, unimpeded encumbered, handicapped, hindered, hobbled not bound, confined, or detained by forceall of the animals in the game preserve are free to roam all over its vast area footloose, loose, unbound, unconfined, unrestrained escapeduncaged, unchained, unfettered, unleasheduncaughtunanchored, unbolted, undone, unfastened, untiedclear, disengaged at large, at liberty bound, confined, restrained, unfree caughtcaged, chained, enclosed(also inclosed), immured, imprisoned, leashed, pennedanchored, bolted, fastened, fettered, manacled, shackled, tiedkidnapped(also kidnaped) not costing or charging anythingalthough the museum normally charges admission, on Wednesdays it is free to all complimentary, costless, gratis, gratuitous nominalbestowed, donated, givenpro bonodiscretionary, freewill, optional, voluntaryhonorary, uncompensated, unpaid on the house paidcostly, dear, expensive, high allowing passage without obstructionmake sure the pass is free before you attempt the trip through the mountains this winter clear, cleared, open, unclogged, unclosed, unobstructed, unstopped enterable, navigable, passableemptied, empty, unoccupied, vacantexposed, revealedgaping, wide, yawningunbarred, unbolted, unclasped, unfastened, unlatched, unlocked, unsealedunbuttoned, unclenched, unfolded, unfurled, unzipped blocked, clogged, closed, jammed, obstructed, plugged, shut, stopped, stuffed, uncleared impassable(also impassible)constricted, cramped, encumbered, hampered, hindered, impeded, interfered (with), trammeled(or trammelled)barricaded, blockaded, dammed, gated giving or sharing in abundance and without hesitationthe lottery winner was very free with his money bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, freehanded, freehearted, fulsome, generous, liberal, munificent, open, openhanded, unselfish, unsparing, unstinting extravagant, handsome, lavish, overgenerous, profusealtruistic, beneficent, benevolent, hospitable, humanitarian, philanthropic(also philanthropical)big, greathearted, largehearted, magnanimous, openheartedcompassionate, good-hearted, kind, kindly, samaritan, sympathetic cheap, close, closefisted, costive, illiberal(archaic), mingy, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, selfish, stingy, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous mean, petty, smallfrugal, spare, sparing, thriftychary, stintingacquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting, covetous, desirous, grasping, hoggish, itchy, mercenary, rapaciousbegrudging, envious, grudging, resentful not being in a state of use, activity, or employmentthis computer terminal is free if you need to use it dead, dormant, fallow, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, latent, off, unused, vacant abeyant, arrested, interrupted, suspendedunoccupiedasleep, comatose, lifeless, moribund, quiescent, sleepyinoperable, unusable, unworkable, uselessdull, slow at rest, on the shelf, out of commission active, alive, busy, employed, functioning, going, living, on, operating, operative, running, working functional, operable, operational, workableassiduous, industrious, sedulousenergetic, vigorousfeasible, practical, usable(also useable), useful, viable showing a lack of proper social reserve or modestyshe's a little too free with information about her social life bold, familiar, forward, immodest, overfamiliar, presuming, presumptuous arrogant, bumptious, complacent, conceited, egoistic(also egoistical), egomaniacal, egotistic(or egotistical), highfalutin(also hifalutin), high-and-mighty, high-hat, hoity-toity, important, overweening, pompous, prideful, proud, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-complacent, self-conceited, self-important, self-satisfied, smug, uppity, vain, vaingloriouscavalier, disdainful, haughty, lordly, pretentious, snobbish, stuck-up, supercilious, superioraudacious, bold-faced, brash, brassbound, brassy, brazen, cheeky, cocky, fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent, overbold, pert, sassy, saucyconfident, self-assured, self-confident, sureboastful, braggart, braggingdomineering, high-handed, imperiousself-absorbed, self-centered, self-concerned, self-engrossed, self-infatuated, self-interested, self-involved, selfish, self-obsessed, self-seeking modest, unassuming demure, down-to-earth, humble, lowly, meek, unassertive, unpretentiousbashful, mousy(or mousey), retiring, shy, timid, timorousdiffident, self-doubting not physically attached to another unitan arrangement of free columns adds interest to the Greco-Roman sculpture garden detached, disconnected, discrete, freestanding, separate, single, unattached, unconnected independent, self-containedindividual, private attached, connected, joined, linked adjoining freeverbto set free (as from slavery or confinement)a global crusade to free Nelson Mandela from a South African prison had emerged discharge, disenthrall(also disenthral), emancipate, enfranchise, enlarge, liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, release, spring, unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetter bail (out), deliver, parole, ransom, redeem, rescue, savedisembarrass, disencumber, disengage, disentangle, extricateunshackle turn loose bind, confine, enchain, fetter, restrain handcuff, manacle, shackle, trammelcommit, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern, jail, lock (up)conquer, enslave, subdue, subjugate to make passage through (something) possible by removing obstructionswe'll free the river by breaking up the ice jam clear, open, unclog, unplug, unstop ease, facilitate, loosen (up), smooth block, clog (up), close, dam (up), plug (up), stop constrict, encumber, hamper, hinder, impede, interfere (with), obstruct, trammelbarricade, blockade to rid the surface of (as an area) from things in the waywould you mind freeing up the work area so I can work? clear, open, unblock ease, facilitate, loosen (up), smooth, unchoke, unclog, unplug, unstopunclutterstrip block clog, close, dam, obstruct, plug, stopclutter (up) to set (a person or thing) free of something that encumbersa phone call would free your parents from worry clear, disburden, disencumber, divest, relieve, rid, unburden discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, release, spring, unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetterbail (out), deliver, redeem, rescuedisengage, disentangle, extricate burden, encumber, saddle bog (down), fetter, hamper, restrain, shackle, subject, weigh down, weight (down) to set free from entanglement or difficultythis plan should free us from debt clear, disembarrass, disengage, disentangle, extricate, liberate, release, untangle deliver, redeem, rescue, savedisburden, disencumber, unburdenunravel, unsnarl, untie, untwine cut loose embroil, entangle block, hamper, hinder, impede, obstructburden, encumber, load, weigh adj.free, independent, sovereign, autonomous mean not subject to the rule or control of another.free stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions.you're free to do as you like independent implies a standing alone; applied to a state it implies lack of connection with any other having power to interfere with its citizens, laws, or policies.the colony's struggle to become independent sovereign stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing's own domain or sphere.separate and sovereign armed services autonomous stresses independence in matters pertaining to self-government.in this denomination each congregation is regarded as autonomous v.free, release, liberate, emancipate, manumit mean to set loose from restraint or constraint.free implies a usually permanent removal from whatever binds, confines, entangles, or oppresses.freed the animals from their cages release suggests a setting loose from confinement, restraint, or a state of pressure or tension, often without implication of permanent liberation.released his anger on a punching bag liberate stresses particularly the resulting state of liberty.liberated their country from the tyrant emancipate implies the liberation of a person from subjection or domination.labor-saving devices emancipated us from household drudgery manumit implies emancipation from slavery.the document manumitted the slaves before the 12th century 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