例句 |
freedomnoun the state of being free from the control or power of anotherwe owe our freedom to the untold numbers of soldiers who have fought in our nation's wars since its founding autonomy, independence, independency, liberty, self-determination, self-governance, self-government, sovereignty(also sovranty) emancipation, enfranchisement, liberation, manumission, release dependence(also dependance), heteronomy, subjection, unfreedom captivity, enchainment, enslavement, immurement, imprisonment, incarceration, internment, subjugation the right to act or move freelyas special guests of the owners, the youngsters had full freedom of the resort and its private beach authorization, free hand, latitude, license(or licence), run authority, clutch, command, control, dominion, grip, hold, mandate, mastery, power, swayrange, room, spaceblank check, carte blanche freedom, liberty, license mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion.freedom has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated.freedom of the press liberty suggests release from former restraint or compulsion.the released prisoner had difficulty adjusting to his new liberty license implies freedom specially granted or conceded and may connote an abuse of freedom.freedom without responsibility may degenerate into license before the 12th century |