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freeheartedadjective free in expressing one's true feelings and opinionsa surprisingly freehearted political candidate candid, direct, forthcoming, forthright, foursquare, frank, free-spoken, honest, open, openhearted, out-front, outspoken, plain, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, unguarded, unreserved, up-front artless, earnest, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive(or naïve), natural, real, sincere, unaffected, undesigning, unpretending, unpretentiousoutgoing, uninhibited, unrestrainedvocal, vociferousabrupt, bluff, blunt, brusque(also brusk), crusty, curt, gruff, sharpimpertinent, impolite, inconsiderate, rude, tactless, thoughtless, uncivil, undiplomatic, ungracious, unmannerly, unsubtle dissembling, uncandid, unforthcoming inhibited, reserved, restrainedclose-mouthed, laconic, quiet, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicativeambiguous, circuitous, equivocal, evasivediplomatic, politic, tactfulcivil, considerate, courteous, polite giving or sharing in abundance and without hesitationa nation of freehearted people and always among the first to send relief to disaster-stricken areas bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, free, freehanded, fulsome, generous, liberal, munificent, open, openhanded, unselfish, unsparing, unstinting extravagant, handsome, lavish, overgenerous, profusealtruistic, beneficent, benevolent, hospitable, humanitarian, philanthropic(also philanthropical)big, greathearted, largehearted, magnanimous, openheartedcompassionate, good-hearted, kind, kindly, samaritan, sympathetic cheap, close, closefisted, costive, illiberal(archaic), mingy, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, selfish, stingy, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous mean, petty, smallfrugal, spare, sparing, thriftychary, stintingacquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting, covetous, desirous, grasping, hoggish, itchy, mercenary, rapaciousbegrudging, envious, grudging, resentful in the 14th century |