例句 |
boobnoun Britishan unintentional departure from truth or accuracymade an embarrassing boob on a chat show that had all of London laughing blunder, bobble, boo-boo, brick, clanger(British), clinker, error, fault, flub, fluff, fumble, gaff, gaffe, goof, inaccuracy, lapse, miscue, misstep, mistake, oversight, screwup, slip, slipup, stumble, trip bloomer, blooper, boner, howler, pratfallfoul-up, snafumisapprehension, miscalculation, miscomprehension, misconception, misconstruction, misdescription, misimpression, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misreading, misstatement, misunderstanding accuracy, correctness, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision, strictnessinerrancy, infallibility, perfection boobverbBritishto make a mistakeit was an important speech, and the prime minister knew that he could not afford to boob on it blunder, err, flub, fluff, foul up, fumble, goof (up), louse up, mess (up), screw up, slip up, stumble, trip nodbobble, botch, bungle, butcher, foozle, mangle, mishandle, muff, murdermiscalculate, misconceive, miscount, miscue, misdeem, misgauge, misjudge, mistakemisconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand drop the ball, lay an egg in 1907 |