例句 |
towers (over)verbpresent tense third-person singular of tower (over) to be greater, better, or stronger thanthat actor's performance towered over all others in the film beats, betters, eclipses, exceeds, excels, outclasses, outdistances, outdoes, outguns, outmatches, outshines, outstrips, overtops, surpasses, tops, transcends one-ups, outpaces, outraces, outruns, overpassesbests, clobbers, conquers, crushes, defeats, drubs, licks, masters, outcompetes, outperforms, overcomes, overmatches, prevails (over), routs, shames, skunks, subdues, surmounts, thrashes, trims, triumphs (over), trounces, wallops, whips, wins (against), worstsoutbalances, outweighs, overbears, overshadows, trumps goes one better, runs circles around(or runs rings around) loses (to) |