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nativeadjective belonging to a particular place by birth or originthough she now lived in the Northeast, she was a native Midwesterner aboriginal, autochthonous, born, domestic, endemic, indigenous local, regionaloriginal nonindigenous, nonnative imported, introduced, transplantedalien, exotic, foreign, strangeexpatriate, immigrant being such as found in nature and not altered by processing or refiningdiamonds in their native state are not the bright, flashy gems that one might imagine crude, natural, raw, rude, undressed, unprocessed, unrefined, untreated undevelopedrough-hewn, semifinished, unfinished, unpolisheduncookedimpure, unfiltered in the raw, in the rough dressed, processed, refined, treated filtered, pure, purified being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thinga native energy and ambition that would allow him to rise above his humble beginnings built-in, constitutional, constitutive, essential, hardwired, immanent, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrain, ingrained(also engrained), inherent, innate, integral, intrinsic, natural basic, deep-rooted, elemental, fundamentalcongenital, hereditary, inherited, inmost, inner, interiorinternalcharacteristic, distinctive, peculiarhabitual, inveteratenormal, regular, typical in one's blood adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic alien, foreignaccidental, coincidental, incidentalacquired, adscititioussuperficial, surfaceexterior, external nativenouna usually longtime resident of a localitythe natives seem to resent the summer tourists even though they depend upon them for their livelihood local, localite, townie(or towny), year-rounder denizen, dweller, habitant, inhabitant, occupant, resident, resider excursionist, sightseer, traveler(or traveller)holidayer, vacationer, vacationist a member of the first people to inhabit a regionthe anthropologist spent two years living among the island's natives and observing and documenting their customs and traditions aboriginal, aborigine, autochthon, indigene(also indigen) nonnative alien, foreigner adj.native, indigenous, endemic, aboriginal mean belonging to a locality.native implies birth or origin in a place or region and may suggest compatibility with it.native tribal customs indigenous applies to that which is not only native but which, as far as can be determined, has never been introduced or brought from elsewhere.indigenous plants endemic implies being peculiar to a region.a disease endemic in Africa aboriginal implies having no known others preceding in occupancy of a particular region.the aboriginal peoples of Australia in the 15th century |