例句 |
scrimmagesnounpl. of scrimmage a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groupsthe two players got into a scrimmage off the court and got suspended battles, clashes, combats, conflicts, contests, dustups, fights, fracases(or British fracas), frays, hassles, scraps, scrums, scuffles, skirmishes, struggles, tussles pitched battles, rough-and-tumblesaffrays(chiefly British), battles royal(or battle royals or battles royale or battle royales), brawls, broils, donnybrooks, free-for-alls, melees(also mêlées), mix-ups, ruckuses, ructionsblows, fistfights, fisticuffs, grapples, handgrips, punch-outs, punch-ups(chiefly British), slugfestsconfrontations, duels, face-offs, joustsaltercations, argle-bargles(chiefly British), arguments, argy-bargies(chiefly British), contretemps, controversies, cross fires, disagreements, disputes, fallings-out(or falling-outs), kickups, misunderstandings, quarrels, rows, spats, squabbles, tangles, tiffs, wranglescatfights truces |