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neutralizeverb to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffectivea pro-government rally that is intended to neutralize the antiwar demonstrations annul, cancel (out), compensate (for), correct, counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise, make up (for), negative, offset invalidate, negate, neuter, nullifyatone (for)outbalance, outweigh, redeemredress, relieve, remedyoverride, overrule to put to death deliberatelyorders to find the renegade colonel and to neutralize him assassinate, bump off, croak(slang), dispatch, do in, execute, get, ice(slang), knock off, liquidate, murder, off(slang), put away, rub out, slay, snuff, take out, terminate, whack(slang) blow away, shoot, shoot downblot out, carry off, claim, cut down, destroy, fell, kill, smite, zapbutcher, massacre, mow (down), slaughterannihilate, eliminate, eradicate, exterminate, wipe out do away with animate, raise, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revive in 1744 |