例句 |
breechnoun the part of the body upon which someone sitsplant yourselves on your breeches on that bench and listen to what I have to say backside, behind, booty(also bootie, slang), bottom, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, caboose, can, cheeks, derriere(or derrière), duff, fanny, fundament, hams, haunches, heinie(slang), hunkers, keister(also keester, slang), nates, posterior, rear, rear end, rump, seat, tail, tail end, tush(slang) beam, sternmoon(slang) breeches pl.an outer garment covering each leg separately from waist to anklethe mounted riders look striking in their red coats and white breeches britches, pantaloons, pants, slacks, trousers baggies, bell-bottoms, blue jeans, cargo pants, cords, corduroys, denims, jeanshose, legging(or leggin), sweatpantspants suit, pantsuitbloomers, knee breeches, knickerbockers before the 12th century |