例句 |
nonabrasiveadjective not harsh or stern especially in nature or effectnonabrasive polishes the congregation much preferred the nonabrasive manner of the soft-spoken curate balmy, benign, bland, delicate, gentle, light, mellow, mild, soft, soothing, tender calm, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, tranquilclement, compassionate, easy, lenient, mercifulbuffering, cushioning, emollient, softeningsleek, slick, smooth abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern, ungentle exquisite, fierce, intense, powerful, severeforceful, forcible, savage, violentroughened, rugged, strongabrading, irritating, rougheninggrim, gruff, rude, stiffheavy-handed, oppressive, pitiless, tyrannical(also tyrannic) in 1897 |