例句 |
gangbangernoun a violent, brutal person who is often a member of an organized gangthe argument that the DEA needs to focus more on the kingpins of the drug trade and less on the gangbangers in the street bully, gangsta, gangster, goon, gorilla, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, mobster, mug, plug-ugly, punk, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough, toughie(also toughy), yob(British), yobbo(British) cutthroat, scoundrel, villainassassin, bandit, bravo, brigand, criminal, crook, desperado, felon, gunman, highwayman, lawbreaker, mafioso, malefactor, offender, outlaw, perp, perpetrator, piratepickpocket, racketeer, robber, swindler, thief, vandaljuvenile delinquent, tearaway(British) in 1969 |