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gapsnounpl. of gap an open space in a barrier (as a wall or hedge)there were several visible gaps in the wall where the drywall had pulled away from the wall framing breaches, breaks, discontinuities, gulfs, hiatuses, holes, interstices, intervals, openings, rents, rifts, separations, voids chinks, clefts, cracks, crannies, crevices, fissuresnotches, slits, slots, splitsinterspaces, poresabysses, apertures, cavities, chasms, gapes, orificesfractures, ruptures, severances a break in continuitythere was a 15-minute gap between the two televised sporting events discontinuities, hiatuses, hiccups(also hiccoughs), interims, interludes, intermissions, interregnums(or interregna), interruptions, interstices, intervals, parentheses caesuras(or caesurae), commas, interspaces, lags, pauses, spaces, time lags, windowsentr'actesbumpersadjournments, discontinuances, lapses, suspensionslulls, recesses, respites, restssubintervals continuations, continuities continua(also continuums), runs, stretchesprocessions, progressions a narrow opening between hillsides or mountains that can be used for passagethought they were stuck until they found a gap in the mountain range that they could hike through canyons(also cañons), cols, couloirs, defiles, flumes, gills(British), gorges, gulches, gulfs, kloofs(South African), linns(chiefly Scottish), notches, passes, ravines, saddles abysses, chasms, cirques, clefts, crevasses, crevices, cwms(chiefly British), fissurescombes(also coombes or coombs, British), dales, dells, glens, hollows, shut-ins, vales, valleysbasins, floodplains, kettlesarroyos, barrancas(also barrancos), coulees, draws, gullies(also gulleys), gutters, nullahs, trenches, troughs, wadis, washes(West) |