例句 |
gastronomenoun a person with refined tastes in food and winegastronomes from all over make the pilgrimage to this temple of haute cuisine bon vivant, epicure, epicurean, gastronomist, gourmand, gourmet connoisseur, dilettantefoodiesavoreroenophile, turophile glutton, gorger, guzzler, hog, overeater, stuffer, swiller, trencherman epicure, gourmet, gourmand, gastronome mean one who takes pleasure in eating and drinking.epicure implies fastidiousness and voluptuousness of taste.gourmet implies being a connoisseur in food and drink and the discriminating enjoyment of them.gourmand implies a hearty appetite for good food and drink, not without discernment, but with less than a gourmet's.gastronome implies that one has studied extensively the history and rituals of haute cuisine. in 1823 |