例句 |
bumpsnounpl. of bump a small rounded mass of swollen tissuethat's a nasty bump on your arm where you hit the table knots, lumps, nodes, nodules, swellings growths, tumors, wartshumps, hunchesbruises, contusions, weltsblisters, boilsblobs, chunks, clods, clumps, gobbets, gobs, hunks, knobs, nubbles, nubs, nuggets, wads the act or an instance of bringing to a lower grade or rankthe bump was punishment for insubordination a forceful coming together of two thingsI felt the bump of the other car, but there was no damage to either vehicle collisions, concussions, crashes, impacts, impingements, jars, jolts, jounces, kicks, shocks, slams, smashes, strikes, wallops blows, buffets, hits, knocks, punches, raps, slaps, thumpsbashings, batterings, lickings, thrashingscontacts, encounters, meetings, touches bumpsverbpresent tense third-person singular of bumpto come into usually forceful contact with somethingthat police officer bumped into me and should have apologized bangs, bashes, collides, crashes, hits, impacts, impinges, knocks, rams, slams, smashes, strikes, swipes, thuds bounces, caroms, clunks, glances, rebounds, ricochets, skims, skipscontacts, lands, touchesbrushes, grazes, kisses, nudges, scrapes, shaves, sweepsbulldozes, jostles, muscles, presses, pushes misses, skirts |