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sensenoun an indefinite physical response to a stimulusa strange sense of discomfort brought on by the room's strong colors feel, feeling, sensation impression, perceptionhint, suggestion, touch the ability to learn and understand or to deal with problemsalthough he has little formal education, he is a man of considerable practical sense brain(s), brainpower, gray matter, headpiece, intellect, intellectuality, intelligence, mentality, reason, smarts eggheadedness, highbrowism, intellectualismbraininess, brillianceacumen, alertness, apprehension, astuteness, discernment, discriminability, insight, judgment(or judgement), perception, percipience, perspicacitycommon sense, horse sense, mother witaptitude, talentsagacity, sapience, wisdom, withead, mind, skull denseness, density, doltishness, dopiness, dullness(also dulness), dumbness, fatuity, feeblemindedness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, imbecility, senselessness, simpleness, slowness, stupidity the ability to make intelligent decisions especially in everyday mattersyou have the sense to handle anything that comes up common sense, discreetness, discretion, gumption(chiefly dialect), horse sense, levelheadedness, nous(chiefly British), policy, prudence, sensibleness, wisdom, wit street smartsfarsightedness, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forethoughtfulness, judgment(or judgement)brains, gray matter, intelligencelogicality, logicalness, practicality, rationality, rationalnessdiscernment, discrimination, insight, sagacity, sapienceacumen, astuteness, clearheadedness, keenness, penetration, perspicacity, shrewdnesscare, caution, circumspection, precaution, premeditation imprudence, indiscretion shortsightednessbrainlessness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, senselessness, stupiditycarelessness, heedlessnessunreasonableness the idea that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed to the mind by language, symbol, or actiongot the general sense of the poem content, denotation, drift, import, intent, intention, meaning, purport, significance, signification connotationclue, cue, hint, implication, indication, inkling, intimation, suggestionmessage, tenor, themebottom, essence, essentiality, nature, soul, spirit, stuffacceptance, acceptation, definitionburden, crux, gistcore, heart, kernel, marrow, nub, nucleus, pith, point, quickmatter, motif, motive, question, subject, topic the thought processes that have been established as leading to valid solutions to problemsyour argument simply shows no sense intellection, logic, ratiocination, reason, reasoning cogency, coherence, logicality, logicalness, rationality, rationalnessconvincingness, persuasivenesssyllogism, synthesisanalysis, dissectiondeduction, inductionargumentation, disputation illogic, incoherenceabsurdity, brainlessness, insanity, irrationality, nonsensicalness, preposterousness, senselessness senseverbto have a vague awareness ofthe deer seemed to sense danger feel, perceive, scent, see, smell, taste behold, descry, discern, distinguish, espy, eye, look (at), note, notice, observe, regard, remark, sight, spy, view, witnessascertain, catch on (to), discover, find out, hear, learn, realizeanticipate, divine, expect, foreknow, foreseeassume, conjecture, guess, presume, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect to have a clear idea ofI did not sense the full meaning of his cryptic warning until much later appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, behold, catch, catch on (to), cognize, compass, comprehend, conceive, cotton (to or on to), decipher, decode, dig, discern, get, grasp, grok, intuit, know, make, make out, perceive, recognize, register, savvy, see, seize, tumble (to), twig, understand absorb, digest, take inrealizefathom, penetrate, pierce pick up on miss misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, misperceive, misread, mistake, misunderstand n.sense, common sense, judgment, wisdom mean ability to reach intelligent conclusions.sense implies a reliable ability to judge and decide with soundness, prudence, and intelligence.a choice showing good sense common sense suggests an average degree of such ability without sophistication or special knowledge.common sense tells me it's wrong judgment implies sense tempered and refined by experience, training, and maturity.they relied on her judgment for guidance wisdom implies sense and judgment far above average.a leader of rare wisdom in the 14th century |