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exclusiveadjective belonging only to the one person, unit, or group namedresidents of the apartment complex have exclusive use of the pool single, sole, unshared proprietarypersonal, private nonexclusive common, communal, conjoint, cooperative, joint, multiple, mutual, pooled, public, shared, united not divided or scattered among several areas of interest or concernduring interviews she always gives the job applicant her exclusive attention all, concentrated, entire, focused(also focussed), undivided, whole absolute, complete, full, lump, teetotal, thorough, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unqualified, uttercomprehensive, intact, integral, perfect, unbroken diffuse, divided, scattered deficient, fragmental, fragmentary, halfway, incomplete, partial appealing to affluent consumersa section of the city where the exclusive boutiques and fashionable restaurants are concentrated high-end, upmarket, upscale elegant, fashionable, poshextravagant, ostentatious, showydeluxe, lavish, luxuriant, luxurious, opulent, plush, sumptuouscostly, expensive dime-store, discount, down-market, downscale, low-end cheap, inexpensive being in the latest or current fashionan exclusive designer gown of the sort that shows up on red carpets à la mode(also a la mode), au courant, chic, cool(slang), fashionable, fresh(slang), happening, hip, in, modish, sharp, smart, snappy, stylish, supercool, swell, swish, trendy, voguish downtown, edgy, funkydapper, dashing, dressy, kicky, natty, rakish, sassy, saucy, spiffy, sprucechichi, classy, flossy, haute(also haut), nobby, posh, ritzy, soigné(or soignée), swank(or swanky)elegant, graceful, handsome, majestic, refined, sophisticated, stately, tasteful, understateddoggish, doggy, flashy, gallantdandyish, dudish, foppishultrachic, ultracool, ultrahip, ultraposh, ultrasmart, ultrasophisticated dowdy, out, outmoded, styleless, unchic, uncool, unfashionable, unmodish, unstylish cheesy, tacky, unattractive, unbecominggraceless, inelegant, tasteless, trashy, unhandsomefrowsy(or frowzy), sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, untidydisheveled(or dishevelled), messy, mussy, rumpled, wrinkledshabby, sleazy in the 15th century |