例句 |
gestenounalso gest archaicthe way or manner in which one conducts oneselfhistorical fiction in which the hero faces every adversity with honorable geste actions, address, bearing, behavior, comportment, conduct, demeanor, deportment etiquette, form, manners, mores, proprietiesp's and q'samenity, civility, courtesy, decorum, politenessair, attitude, carriage, poise, pose, posture, presenceaspect, look, mienformality, protocol, rulescustom, habit, habitude, pattern, practice(also practise), trick, wontconvention, fashion, form, mode, styleaffectation, attribute, characteristic, mark, traitdistinctiveness, oddity, peculiarity, singularity, strangeness, uniqueness, weirdness in the 14th century |