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burgeonverbalso bourgeon to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or numberthe trout population in the stream is burgeoning now that the water is clean accelerate, accumulate, appreciate, balloon, boom, build up, climb, enlarge, escalate, expand, gain, increase, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate, rise, roll up, snowball, spread, swell, wax jump, rocket, skyrocket, surgeheighten, intensify, redoubleblow up, bulk, distend, inflate, puff (up)crescendo, crest, peak contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane to grow vigorouslythe spring flowers burgeoned once the warm weather set in for good flourish, prosper, thrive luxuriate, overgrow, proliferate, shoot upgerminate, root, sproutbloom, flower, fruit, produce, propagate, regenerate, seed to produce flowerschrysanthemums usually burgeon in early fall bloom, blossom, blow, effloresce, flower, unfold leaf, leavebudopen dry up, fade, shrivel, wilt, witherdie, drop, expire, perish in the 14th century |