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revivifyverb to bring back to a former condition or vigora new director hoping to revivify the region's oldest repertory company freshen, recharge, recreate, refresh, refreshen, regenerate, rejuvenate, renew, repair, restore, resuscitate, revitalize, revive make over, overhaul, reclaim, recondition, reconstitute, redesign, redevelop, redo, reengineer, refurbish, rehab, rehabilitate, remake, remodel, renovaterefill, replenish, resupplymodernize, update to bring back to life, practice, or activitythe new director hopes to revivify interest in the sports programs offered at the youth center reanimate, recharge, regenerate, rejuvenate, rekindle, renew, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, rewake, rewaken jump-start, kick-startreactivate, restartreinventrefresh, refreshen extinguish, kill, quench, suppress in 1675 |