例句 |
upper handsnounpl. of upper hand the more favorable condition or position in a competitionfinally gained the upper hand in the argument advantages, betters, bulges, catbird seats, drops, edges, high grounds, inside tracks, jumps, pulls, steads, vantages, whip hands allowances, head starts, leads, legs up, margins, odds, startsascendancies(also ascendencies), commands, dominances, masteries, predominances, superiorities, supremacies, transcendences, transcendenciesprecedences, preferences, prerogatives, privileges, senioritiesbreaks, footholds, opportunitiesbenefits, blessings, boons, felicities, godsends, mannas, windfalls coigns of vantage disadvantages, drawbacks, handicaps, liabilities, minuses, penalties, strikes detriments, strangleholdsdisparities, imbalances, inequalitiesdisabilities, failings, impairments, shortcomingsbars, catches, checks, clogs, crimps, embarrassments, hindrances, hitches, hurdles, impediments, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, rubs, shackles, stops, trammelslurches, setbacks |