例句 |
outdistancedverbpast tense of outdistance to be greater, better, or stronger thanthe new student rapidly outdistanced the rest of the class in math beat, bettered, eclipsed, exceeded, excelled, outclassed, outdid, outgunned, outmatched, outshone(or outshined), outstripped, overtopped, surpassed, topped, towered (over), transcended one-upped, outpaced, outraced, outran, overpassedbested, clobbered, conquered, crushed, defeated, drubbed, licked, mastered, outcompeted, outperformed, overcame, overmatched, prevailed (over), routed, shamed, skunked, subdued, surmounted, thrashed, trimmed, triumphed (over), trounced, walloped, whipped, won (against), worstedoutbalanced, outweighed, overbore, overshadowed, trumped ran circles around(or ran rings around), went one better lost (to) |