例句 |
revolutionistadjective being very far from the center of public opinionhis revolutionist ideas won't get him elected extreme, extremist, fanatic(or fanatical), rabid, radical, revolutionary, ultra subversive, violent, wildreactionary middle-of-the-road, nonrevolutionary, unrevolutionary conservative, moderate, temperateconventional, orthodox, traditionalliberal, progressive revolutionistnouna person who favors rapid and sweeping changes especially in laws and methods of governmentafter a long series of weak leaders, the people were ready for a revolutionist who promised to bring sweeping change to the nation crazy, extremist, radical, revolutionary young Turkleftist, lefty, redprogressive, reformer, reformistanarch, anarchist, subversiveagitator, insurgent, insurrectionist, rebelsecessionist, separationist, separatist middle-of-the-roader, moderate conservative, fuddy-duddy, reactionary, rightist, standpatter, Tory, traditionalist a person who rises up against authorityhistorically, revolutionists have generally been young men willing to risk everything, even their lives, in the pursuit of their cause insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, mutineer, rebel, red, revolter, revolutionary challenger, defier, insubordinate, oppositionist, recusant, refuser, resistant, resisteranarch, anarchistdiscontent, extremist, malcontent, radical loyalist, patriot, supportercounterinsurgent, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionist in 1710 |