例句 |
bywordnoun an often stated observation regarding something from common experienceMom's favorite byword is "You can get more flies with honey than with vinegar" adage, aphorism, apothegm, epigram, maxim, proverb, saw, saying, sententia, word bromide, cliché(also cliche), commonplace, platitude, wheezeexpression, felicityaxiom, motto, precept, truism, truthformulacomment, note, reflection, remark the most perfect type or examplenationally, Beverly Hills' Rodeo Drive has become a byword for luxury retailing acme, apotheosis, beau ideal, classic, epitome, exemplar, ideal, perfection, quintessence archetype, model, prototypeparadigm, standardnonpareil, paragonabstract, avatar, embodier, embodiment, incarnation, incorporation, manifestation, personificationheight, last word, meridian, ultimate, zenithbenchmark, criterion, touchstone, yardstick before the 12th century |