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call (for)verb to ask for (something) earnestly or with authoritywith an eye to the expected rush, the manager called for additional waiters claim, clamor (for), command, demand, enjoin, exact, insist (on), press (for), quest, stipulate (for) ask, plead (for), request, wantcry (for), necessitate, need, require, take, warrantrequisitionimposebadger, dun, harass, hound give up, relinquish, surrender, yield to make a request forcalled for someone to help with planning the club's party ask (for), bespeak, desire, plead (for), quest, request, seek, solicit, speak (for), sue (for) apply (for), beg (for), claim, clamor (for), importune, urge, wish (for)demand, enjoin, exact, insist (on), petition (for), press (for), require, requisitioninvite, invoke call forphraseto request the doing of by virtue of one's authorityThe bill calls for tighter regulation. call, command, decree, dictate, direct, mandate, ordain, order ask, petition, requestdemand, require cancel, countermand, rescind to have as a requirementThis calls for a toast! bear, challenge, claim, demand, necessitate, need, require, take, want, warrant entail, involveask, beg, claim, clamor (for), cry (for)hurt (for), lackcommand, enjoin, exact, insist, press, quest, stipulate have, hold own, possess to give a request or demand forThe position calls for someone with a master's degree. ask (for), order, put in (for), request, requisition commission, solicitcharter, hire, license(also licence) |