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nubbinnoun a very small piecehad only a nubbin of crayon left atom, bit, crumb, dribble, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nugget, particle, patch, scrap, scruple, snip, snippet, speck, tittle ace, dab, dash, driblet, drop, fraction, haet(chiefly Scottish), halfpenny, ha'penny, iota, jot, kenning(chiefly Scottish), lick, minim, mite, modicum, nutshell, ounce, pinch, shred, smatter, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), spot, strain, streak, suspicion, taste, touch, trace, whisper, whitbite, mouthful, nibble, tidbit(also titbit)fragment, part, portion, sectionchip, flake, shard, shiver, sliver, splinterclipping, paring, shavingsmithereens chunk, gob, hunk, lump, slababundance, barrel, bucket, bushel, deal, heaps, loads, mass, mountain, peck, pile, pot, profusion, quantity, raft, scads, stack, volume, wad, wealth the central part or aspect of something under considerationthis nubbin of the intelligence report is the prediction that the country's government will soon fall bottom line, bull's-eye, centerpiece, core, crux, essence, gist, heart, kernel, keynote, meat, meat and potatoes, net, nub, nucleus, pith, pivot, point, root, sum course, direction, drift, tenorbody, content, substancehypothesis, proposition, purport, subject, theme, thesis sum and substance, the long and short(or the long and the short) in 1692 |