例句 |
conk (out)verb to lose consciousnessafter three days without eating, he simply conked out black out, faint, keel (over), pass out, swoon break down, collapsezonk (out) come around, come round, come to, revive to stop functioningthe engine conked out just as we were approaching the exact middle of nowhere break, break down, crash, cut out, die, fail, give out, stall fizzle, sputter, wheezeact up, malfunctionjam start (up) to stop livinga list of people whose chief claim to fame is the unusual manner in which they conked out check out, croak(slang), decease, demise, depart, die, drop, end, exit, expire, fall, flatline, go, kick in(slang), kick off(slang), part, pass (on), pass away, peg out(chiefly British), perish, pop off, step out, succumb predeceaseconsume, disappear, dry up, fade, fail bite the dust, buy it(or buy the farm), give up the ghost, kick the bucket, snuff it(British) breathe, live come to, revivelingerbe, exist, subsistflourish, prosper, thrive |