例句 |
nullificationnoun the doing away with something by formal actionan act aimed at curbing sedition that was perhaps the most serious attempt at nullification of freedom of the press in the nation's history abatement, abolishment, abolition, abrogation, annulment, avoidance, cancellation(also cancelation), defeasance, dissolution, invalidation, negation, quashing, repeal, rescindment, voiding abortion, calling off, recallcountermand, override, overruling, overturn, vetoretraction, reversal, revocation, suspension, withdrawalbanning, enjoining, forbiddance, outlawing, prohibitiondisallowance, dismissal, rejectionelimination, eradication, erasure, liquidation, removal enactment, legislationestablishment, founding, institutionformalization, legalization, legitimation, legitimization, validationpassing, ratificationapproval, authorization, clearance, endorsement(also indorsement), permission, sanctioningcommandment, decreeing, mandating, ordering, prescription in 1798 |