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vacillateverb to show uncertainty about the right course of actionvacillated for so long that someone else stepped in and made the decision balance, dither, falter, halt, hang back, hesitate, scruple, shilly-shally, stagger, teeter, waver, wobble(also wabble) haw, hemdally, dawdle, delay, linger, pause, procrastinate, waitback down, chicken (out)consider, debate, deliberate, ponder, weighoscillate, swayequivocate, hedge, pussyfoot, waffle dive (in), plunge (in) decidebudge, stiradvance, continue hesitate, waver, vacillate, falter mean to show irresolution or uncertainty.hesitate implies a pause before deciding or acting or choosing.hesitated before answering the question waver implies hesitation after seeming to decide and so connotes weakness or a retreat.wavered in his support of the rebels vacillate implies prolonged hesitation from inability to reach a firm decision.vacillated until events were out of control falter implies a wavering or stumbling and often connotes nervousness, lack of courage, or outright fear.never once faltered during her testimony in 1597 |