例句 |
extrasnounpl. of extra an interchangeable part or piece of equipment that is kept on hand for replacement of an originalthat portable player runs through batteries incredibly fast, so I always keep plenty of extras on hand reserves, spares backups, substitutesstockscarbon copies, clones, copies, doubles, dummies, dupes, duplicates, replacements, replicas, replications, reproductions archetypes, originals, prototypes something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessarythe motel is clean and comfortable, but there are no extras amenities, comforts, frills, indulgences, luxuries, superfluities extravagances, nonessentialsdainties, delicacies, niceties, treatsaccessories(also accessaries), accoutrements(or accouterments), bells and whistles, options basics, essentials, fundamentals, musts, necessities, requirements something given in addition to what is ordinarily expected or owedas an extra, the dealer filled the tank of my new car bonuses, cumshaws, dividends, donatives, gratuities, gravies, gravy trains, lagniappes, perks, perquisites, throw-ins, tips pensionsbestowals, presentationsbenefactions, beneficences, benevolences, bounties, charities, generosities, largesses, philanthropiescontributions, donations, gifts, offerings, presentsgrants, subsidiesboons, mannas, windfallsfavors, freebies(or freebees), giveaways, premiumsawards, prizes, rewardsfringe benefits, icings |