例句 |
callingsnounpl. of calling the act of putting an end to something planned or previously agreed tothe calling of the match was a disappointment to both players abandonments, abortions, cancellations(also cancelations), droppings, recalls, recisions, repeals, rescissions, revocations annulments, invalidations, neutralizations, nullifications, voidancesabolishments, abolitions, endings, terminationsrelinquishments, surrendersreversals, rollbacks continuations beginnings, commencements, initiationsengagements, undertakings the activity by which one regularly makes a livingI think my true calling will be as a commercial artist employments, games, lays, lines, occupations, professions, trades, vocations, works calls, lifeworksbusinesses, enterprises, fields, livelihoods, livings, métiers(also metiers), rackets(slang)assignments, engagements, gigs, missionsarts, crafts, handcrafts, handicraftsappointments, berths, billets, offices, places, positions, posts, situationsduties, functions, jobs, loads, tasks, workloads avocations, hobbies, pursuits |