例句 |
millionspl. n. the body of the community as contrasted with the eliteintellectuals sneered that television was a medium clearly aimed at the millions commoners, commons, crowd, herd, hoi polloi, mass, mob, multitude, people, plebeians, plebs, populace, public, rank and file cattle, proletariat, rabble, rabblement, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, rout, scum, tag, rag, and bobtail(or tagrag and bobtail), trash, unwashedbourgeoisie, middle class A-list, aristocracy, best, choice, corps d'elite, cream, elect, elite, fat, flower, pick, pink, pride, upper crust gentility, gentlefolk(also gentlefolks), gentry, haute monde, nobility, patriciate, peerage, quality, royalty, society |