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shareverb to take a share or parteveryone in the enterprise will share in the profits partake, participate endure, experience, feel, know, see, taste, undergoencounter, meetaccept, receive sharenounsomething belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual member of a groupmy share of the lottery winnings is over a million dollars her share of the bill comes to $13.44 allotment, allowance, cut, end, part, piece, portion, proportion, quota, slice, take lot, rationcommission, percentagemember, partition, section, segment piece of the action aggregate, composite, compound, pool, sum, total, totalitywhole a legal right to participation in the advantages, profits, and responsibility of somethingshe sold her share in the business to her partner v.share, participate, partake mean to have, get, or use in common with another or others.share usually implies that one as the original holder grants to another the partial use, enjoyment, or possession of a thing.shared my toys with the others participate implies a having or taking part in an undertaking, activity, or discussion.participated in sports partake implies accepting or acquiring a share especially of food or drink.partook freely of the refreshments before the 12th century |