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pragmaticadjectivealso pragmatical willing to see things as they really are and deal with them sensiblya pragmatic man, not given to grand, visionary schemes down-to-earth, earthy, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, practical, realistic idealless, philistine, utilitariancommonsensical, grounded, levelheaded, logical, no-nonsense, rational, reasonable, sane, sensible, sober, sobersided, soundbottom-line, hard, hard-boiled, hard-edged, tough-minded, unromantic, unsentimentalcynical, disillusioned, misanthropic, pessimisticdistrustful, mistrustful, skeptical, suspicious blue-sky, idealistic, impractical, unrealistic, utopian, visionary fanciful, fantastic(also fantastical), imaginativeromantic, sentimentalcheerful, optimistic, rose-coloredtrustful, trusting, unsuspicioushalf-baked, illogical, insane, irrational, unreasonabletheoretical(also theoretic) ca. 1612 |