例句 |
observationnoun a state of being awareit has come to my observation that you've been missing a lot of school lately advertence, advertency, attention, awareness, cognizance, consciousness, ear, eye, heed, knowledge, mindfulness, note, notice, observance hyperawareness, hyperconsciousnessadvisement, care, concern, consideration, regard, watchapprehension, discernment, grasp, mind, perception, recognition, thought, understanding disregard, neglect, obliviousness, unawareness the following of a custom, rule, or lawa society in which a strict observation of business etiquette is expected of visiting foreigners abidance, adherence, compliance, conformance, conformity, keeping, obedience, observance deference, honor, regard, respect, upholdingaccession, acquiescence, submission, surrenderattendance, attention, heed, notice breach, contravention, infraction, infringement, nonobservance, transgression, trespass, violation brush-off, disregard, ignoringdelinquency, dereliction, forgetting, neglect, overlookingoffense(or offence), sin, wrongchallenge, defiance, flouting, rebellion in the 15th century |