例句 |
capacitiesnounpl. of capacity the largest number or amount that something can holdthe seating capacity of the school auditorium is 800 people complements, cubages, real estates, volumes burdens, fills, loads, measuresareas, room, spaces, stowages an assignment at which one regularly works for payserved in the capacity of the network's White House correspondent for a year appointments, berths, billets, connections, functions, jobs, places, positions, posts, situations businesses, employments, employs, occupations, professionsworksoffices, spotscallings, pursuits, trades, vocationslines, racketsengagements, gigslivelihoods, livingscareers, lifeworks, practices(also practises)duties, missions, postings, services, tasks avocationsunemployments the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing existsoffered advice in his capacity as a lawyer businesses, functions, jobs, parts, places, positions, purposes, roles(also rôles), tasks, works affairs, concerns, hands, involvements, participationsniches, offices, posts, situationscallings, occupations, pursuits, vocationsactivities, assignments, charges, commissions, duties, employs, missions, responsibilities, services, uses |