例句 |
configurationsnounpl. of configuration the arrangement of parts that gives something its basic formthe basic configuration of the building is that of a geodesic dome architectures, armatures, cadres, edifices, fabrics, frames, frameworks, framings, infrastructures, shells, skeletons, structures cages, lattices, networkscontours, figures, outlines, profiles, shapes, silhouetteschassis the way in which something is sized, arranged, or organizeda small business computer system in its simplest configuration arrangements, conformations, formations, formats, layouts, setouts, setups designs, plans, schemescompositions, constitutions, getups, makeupsbuilds, constructions, structures the way in which the elements of something (as a work of art) are arrangedhis photographs have an intentionally loose configuration, with no single object intended as the primary center of interest arrangements, compositions, constellations, designs, formats, forms, getups, layouts, makeups, ordonnances, patterns motifs, themes the outward appearance of something as distinguished from its substancea birthday cake in the configuration of a top hat casts, conformations, fashions, figures, forms, geometries, shapes contours, outlines, profiles, silhouettesframes, frameworks, shells, skeletonsarrangements, designs, formats, layouts, makeups, organizations, patterns, plans, setups compositions, materials, matters, raw materials, stuff, substances |