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globaladjective belonging or relating to the wholedo a global search and replace the misspelling throughout the whole document across-the-board, blanket, broad-brush, common, general, generic, overall, universal all-embracing, broad, broad-gauge(or broad-gauged), broadscale, comprehensive, extensive, inclusionary, overarching, pervasive, sweeping, ubiquitous, wholesale, wide, widespreadaggregate, collective, complete, full, plenaryplanetary, worldwide individual, particular component, constituentcross-sectional, divisional, fragmentary, partiallocal, localized, regional, sectional covering everything or all important pointspublished a global report on the plight of Third World economies all-embracing, all-in(chiefly British), all-inclusive, broad-gauge(or broad-gauged), compendious, complete, comprehensive, cover-all, cyclopedic, embracive, encyclopedic, exhaustive, full, in-depth, inclusive, omnibus, panoramic, thorough, universal broad, catholic, encyclical, general, inclusionary, overallcosmic(also cosmical), extensive, far, far-reaching, grand, large, panoptic, sweeping, vast, wide, wide-rangingblanket, indiscriminate, unrestricted circumscribed, limited, narrow, restricted, specializedexact, preciseindividual, singular, specificincomplete, patchy, sketchy having every part of the surface the same distance from the centerone of the fair's more striking pavilions was a global structure with a monorail running through its center globular, round, spherical annular, circular, disciform, discoid, discoidal, disklike, hooplike, ringlikecurved, looped, spiralballed, bulbous, rotund, rounded, roundishcylindrical(also cylindric), elliptical(or elliptic), oblong, oval, ovate, ovoid(also ovoidal) nonspherical in 1637 |