例句 |
green lightsnounpl. of green light the approval by someone in authority for the doing of somethingwe were given the green light to use the town commons for our fund-raiser allowances, authorizations, clearances, concurrences, consents, leaves, licenses(or licences), permissions, sanctions, sufferances, warrants imprimaturs, seals, signatures, stampsaccreditations, certificationsliberties, passesconcessions, patents, permitstolerances, tolerationsacceptances, acquiescences, agreements, assents, OKs(or okays)accords, grants interdictions, prohibitions, proscriptions denials, refusals, rejections, revocationstaboos(also tabus)injunctions, vetoesdeterrences, discouragements, repressions, suppressionsbans, embargoes, exclusions green-lightsverbpresent tense third-person singular of green-lightto give permission for or to approve ofas soon as the project is green-lighted, we'll schedule a planning meeting allows, has, permits, suffers authorizes, commissions, licenses(also licences)accedes (to), acquiesces, agrees (to), assents (to), consents (to), OKs(or okays), warrantsaccords, concedes, grants, sanctions, vouchsafesadmits, brooks, condones, countenances, endures, supports, tolerates stands for bans, enjoins, forbids, prohibits, proscribes, vetoes hinders, impedes, obstructscensures, denies, disallows, disapproves, interdicts, refuses, rejects, revokes, suppresses, withholdsdeplores, discountenances, disfavors, dislikes, frowns (at or on), grudgeschecks, curbs, keeps, represses, restrains |