例句 |
offeringnoun something offered to a godsome ancient gods were thought to demand burnt offerings offeringverbpresent participle of offerto put before another for acceptance or considerationI offered my boss an alternative to the original plan, which would have required me to work overtime extending, giving, proffering, tendering, trotting out posing, proposingholding outgiving in, submittingvolunteering running by(or running past) accepting, receiving, takingaccrediting, approbating, approving, authorizing, clearing, confirming, finalizing, formalizing, homologating, OK'ing(or okaying), ratifying, sanctioning, warrantingdeclining, denying, disallowing, disapproving, negativing, rejecting, turning down, vetoingrebuffing, rebutting, refusing, spurningretracting, withdrawingdisregarding, ignoring, neglecting, overlooking to set before the mind for considerationoffered the idea of a vacation at a beach resort in the Caribbean advancing, bouncing, posing, proffering, proposing, propounding, suggesting, voting movingnominating, recommendingpresenting, submitting, tendering, trotting outfiling, laying, lodgingarranging, calculating, charting, contriving, covering, framing, mapping, planning, plotting, shaping putting forth, putting forward to bring before the public in performance or exhibitiona summer theater offering a full schedule of musicals to the vacationing public carrying, giving, mounting, presenting, staging displaying, exhibiting, exposing, parading, showing, showing off, unveilingpreviewingacting, impersonating, performing, playing, portrayingdepicting, dramatizing, enacting, rendering, representingextending, proffering, tendering coming out with to give up as an offering to a godwhen fruits, flowers, or crops are offered, the offering is known as a bloodless sacrifice immolating, sacrificing consecrating, dedicating, devotinggiving, handing over, surrendering, yielding before the 12th century |