例句 |
omnipotentadjective having unlimited power or authoritythe nearly universal religious belief that God is omnipotent and omniscient all-powerful, almighty great, sovereign(also sovran), supreme, towering, transcendentauthoritative, chief, majestic, master, masterfulmighty, potent, powerful, puissant, strongdivine, godlikeable, capable, competent, effective, efficientmultitalented, omnicompetent, omnificentauthoritarian, autocratic(also autocratical), despotic, dictatorial, magisterial, tyrannical(also tyrannic) helpless, impotent, impuissant, powerlesslimited, restrictedhamstrung, handcuffed, high and dry, hog-tied, paralyzed, weakincapable, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inept, unfit, uselessfeeble, frail, infirm in the 14th century |