

单词 drill
例句 drillnoun

an established and often automatic or monotonous series of actions followed when engaging in some activityshuttling the kids between extracurricular activities is all part of the suburban drill

grind, groove, lockstep, pattern, rote, routine, rut, treadmill

daily dozen, regimenhousekeepingcustom, fashion, habit, practice(also practise), trick, wontapproach, manner, method, procedure, strategy, style, tack, technique, waydesign, plan, program, schemeconvention, policy, tradition

something done over and over in order to develop skilldoing vocabulary drills all afternoon in preparation for the test

exercise, practice(also practise), routine, training, workout

assignment, homework, lessonbrushup, refresher, review


to make a hole or series of holes inthe nerve-jangling sound when a dentist drills a tooth

bore, hole, perforate, pierce, punch, puncture, riddle

broach, tappoke, prick, pricklepenetrateburrow (into), excavate, gouge, groove, hollowbreak, cut, gash, notch, rend, rupture, slash, slit, split

fill, patch, plug, seal

to strike with a missile from a gundrilled the target from 100 yards away

gun, plug, pop, shoot

blow away, bring down, drop, pick off, shoot downblaze, pepper, potshot, snipe (at)blast (at), fire (at)pistol, shotgunmachine-gun, tommy-guncroak(slang), destroy, dispatch, do in, fell, ice(slang), kill, slayannihilate, blot out, butcher, decimate, massacre, slaughter, wipe out


to put or set into the ground to growhe drills soybeans in the same rows with corn

plant, put in, seed, sow

bedreplant, transplantbroadcast, scatterpotoverseed, reseed

gather, harvest, reap

in 1611





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