例句 |
assertsverbpresent tense third-person singular of assert to state clearly and stronglya superpatriot who is never afraid to assert her allegiance to flag and country affirms, avers, avouches, avows, declares, guarantees, lays down, professes advances, advertises, boosts, plugs, promotes, publicizesannounces, blazes, calls, proclaims, pronounces, saysaccents, accentuates, emphasizes, stresses, underlines, underscoresadvocates, champions, defends, espouses, supports, upholdsassures, convinces, persuadesexplains, justifies, rationalizesreaffirms, reasserts minimizes, understatesdisregards, ignores, neglects, overlooks to state (something) as a reason in support of or against something under considerationasserted that a new roof would be necessary if the church was to remain open argues, contends, maintains, pleads, reasons adduces, cites, mentionsclaims, insistsaffirms, avers, avouches, avowsadvances, gives, offers, proposes, submitsadvises, counsels, recommends, suggests, urgesconvinces, persuadesadvocates, champions, defends, enforces, espouses, supportsexplains, justifies, rationalizesconsiders, debates, discussesconfutes, counters, disproves, rebuts, refutes to state as a fact usually forcefullyvigorously asserted that what passes for art these days is absolute rubbish affirms, alleges, avers, avouches, avows, claims, contends, declares, insists, maintains, professes, protests, purports, warrants announces, broadcasts, proclaimsargues, rationalizes, reasonsconfirms, justifies, vindicatesdefends, perseveres, supports, upholdsreaffirms, reasserts puts forth denies, gainsays abandonsdisavows, disclaims, disowns, negates, negatives, rejects, repudiateschallenges, disputes, questionsconfutes, disproves, rebuts, refutescontradicts, counters |