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backgroundnoun the physical conditions or features that form the setting against which something is viewedthey got married on a mountain top with the sunset as background backdrop, ground mise-en-scène, scene, scenery, set, stageentourage, environment, milieu, setting, surroundings foregroundcenter, focal point, focus, heart the place and time in which the action for a portion of a dramatic work (as a movie) is setthe background of that movie is the World War II era locale, scene, setting backdrop, scenery, setmise-en-scène, tableau background, setting, environment, milieu, mise-en-scène mean the place, time, and circumstances in which something occurs.background often refers to the circumstances or events that precede a phenomenon or development.the shocking decision was part of the background of the riots setting suggests looking at real-life situations in literary or dramatic terms.a militant reformer who was born into an unlikely social setting environment applies to all the external factors that have a formative influence on one's physical, mental, or moral development.the kind of environment that produces juvenile delinquents milieu applies especially to the physical and social surroundings of a person or group of persons.an intellectual milieu conducive to artistic experimentation mise-en-scène strongly suggests the use of properties to achieve a particular atmosphere or theatrical effect.a gothic thriller with a carefully crafted mise-en-scène in 1672 |