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shenanigannoun usually shenanigans pl.playful, reckless behavior that is not intended to cause serious harmstudents engaging in youthful shenanigans on the last day of school devilishness, devilment, devilry(or deviltry), diablerie, espièglerie, hob, impishness, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, waggery, waggishness, wickedness diabolicalness, misbehavior, misconduct, naughtiness, troublemakingbuffoonery, friskiness, playfulness, sportivenesschicanery, trickerygoings-on, hanky-panky, high jinks(also hijinks), monkey business, monkeying, monkeyshine(s), skylarking, tomfooleryhorseplay, roughhousingantic, caper, dido, practical joke, trickaggravation, annoyance, exasperation, irritation gravitas, gravity, seriousness, solemnity, solemnness usually shenanigans pl.wildly playful or mischievous behavioran act of vandalism that went way beyond the usual shenanigans at summer camp buffoonery, clownery, clowning, foolery, high jinks(also hijinks), horseplay, horsing around, monkey business, monkeying, monkeyshine(s), roughhouse, roughhousing, skylarking, slapstick, tomfoolery childishness, clownishness, foolishness, funning, jesting, joking, nonsense, silliness, waggeryboisterousness, rambunctiousness, rowdiness, rowdyism, rumbustiousness(chiefly British)devilry(or deviltry), impishness, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, prankishness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, trickerycavorting, frivolity, frolicking, gamboling(or gambolling), merrymaking, playfulness, revelry, roistering, romping, sporting, sportiveness a clever often underhanded means to achieve an endthe street-corner huckster of pirated DVDs had all sorts of shenanigans to keep the cops off of his tail artifice, device, dodge, fetch, flimflam, gambit, gimmick, jig, juggle, knack, play, ploy, ruse, scheme, sleight, stratagem, trick, wile bluff, end run, feintcheating, chicanery, cozenage, craft, crookery, cunning, deception, dupery, duplicity, fakery, jugglery, legerdemain, skulduggery(or skullduggery), subterfuge, swindling, trickeryfraud, gaff, hoax, sham, swindleblind, front, smoke screen sleight of hand in 1854 |