例句 |
remindsverbpresent tense third-person singular of remind to make (someone) think about something againShe'll forget to call the doctor if you don't remind her. Remind me to buy some groceries after work. I constantly have to be reminded how to pronounce her name. I had to remind him that we were supposed to leave early. educes, elicits, evokes, extracts, raisesflashes back (to), harkens back (to), harks back (to), hearkens back (to)(or harkens back (to)), minds(chiefly dialect), recalls, recollects, remembers, reminisces (about), reproduces, thinks (of)calls up, jogs, rousesrecaptures, recursrelivesrepresents disregards, ignores, neglects, overlooksloses, missesblanks (out)disremembers, forgets, unlearns |