

单词 verses
例句 versesnounpl. of verse

a composition using rhythm and often rhyme to create a lyrical effectcomposed a short verse for his mother's birthday

lyrics, poems, runes, songs

rhymes(also rimes)ballads, laysanacreontics, clerihews, dithyrambs, eclogues, elegies, English sonnets, epics, epigrams, epodes, epopees, eposes, georgics, idylls(also idyls), jingles, laments, limericks, madrigals, odes, pastorales, pastorals, psalms, rondeaux, rondelets, rondelles(or rondels), sonnets, triolets, villanelleshaiku, senryu, tankasblank verses, free verses, minstrelsies, poesies, poetries, versifications, vers libres

writing that uses rhythm, vivid language, and often rhyme to provoke an emotional responseskilled at verse

minstrelsies, poesies, poetries, songs

rhymes(also rimes)blank verses, free verses, vers libres


versesverbpresent tense third-person singular of verse

to give information towhile in prison, he versed himself in the rights of the incarcerated

acquaints, advises, apprises, briefs, catches up, clears, clues (in), enlightens, familiarizes, fills in, hips, informs, instructs, tells, wises (up)

advertises, alerts, notifiesannounces (to), discloses (to)assures, certifies, convinces, reassures, warrantseducates, lectures, schools, teaches, tutorsdisabuses, disenchants, disillusions, undeceives

keeps (someone) posted, lets someone know

misinforms, misleads





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