例句 |
openingnoun a favorable combination of circumstances, time, and placethe talk show host's usual modus operandi is to talk over his guests, thereby denying them an opening to articulate their positions break, chance, occasion, opportunity, room, shot play, wayjuncture, pass a place in a surface allowing passage into or through a thingan opening in the roof is letting rain drip inside aperture, hole, orifice, perforation loopholebreach, break, chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, cut, fissure, gash, notch, rent, rift, rupture, slash, slit, split, tearslot, spaceexit, mouth, outlet, pore, vententrance, inlet, intakepinhole, pinprick, punch, punctureairhole, armhole, buttonhole, keyhole, knothole, peephole, pothole, wormhole fill, filler, filling, patch, plug, seal, stopperbarrier, blockage, obstacle, obstruction an open space in a barrier (as a wall or hedge)the rabbit found a little opening in the bushes and darted through breach, break, discontinuity, gap, gulf, hiatus, hole, interstice, interval, rent, rift, separation, void chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, fissurenotch, slit, slot, splitinterspace, poreabyss, aperture, cavity, chasm, gape, orificefracture, rupture, severance, sundering openingverbpresent participle of opento change from a closed to an open positionplease open the door to let the cat out unclosing unbarring, unbolting, unclasping, unfastening, unlatching, unlockingunbuttoning, unclenching, unfolding, unfurling, unzippingdisengaging, releasing, slipping closing, shutting barring, bolting, clasping, fastening, latching, lockingbuttoning (up), zipping (up) to make passage through (something) possible by removing obstructionswe need to open this drain that's clogged with hair clearing, freeing, unclogging, unplugging, unstopping easing, facilitating, loosening (up), smoothing blocking, clogging (up), closing, damming (up), plugging (up), stopping constricting, encumbering, hampering, hindering, impeding, interfering (with), obstructing, trammeling(or trammelling)barricading, blockading to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider areawhen we got too close, the cardinal opened its wings and flew to a higher branch expanding, extending, fanning (out), flaring (out), outspreading, outstretching, spreading (out), stretching (out), unfolding, unfurling overspreading closing, contracting, folding compacting, compressing, condensing, reducing to rid the surface of (as an area) from things in the waysnowplows opened the runway without much trouble clearing, freeing, unblocking easing, facilitating, loosening (up), smoothing, unchoking, unclogging, unplugging, unstoppingunclutteringstripping blocking clogging, closing, damming, obstructing, plugging, stoppingcluttering (up) to take the first step in (a process or course of action)we will open the proceedings tomorrow with a short ceremony beginning, commencing, embarking (on or upon), entering (into or upon), falling (to), getting off, kicking off, launching, leading off, starting, striking (into) creating, generating, inaugurating, initiating, innovating, inventing, originatingadopting, embracing, taking on, taking upestablishing, fathering, founding, instituting, organizing, pioneering, setting up, spawninggetting around (to), getting down (to), getting round (to) getting going, getting to, setting about concluding, ending, finishing, terminating ceasing, desisting, discontinuing, halting, knocking off, laying off, quitting, stoppingclosing, completingabandoning, forsaking, leavingabolishing, demolishing, destroying, exterminating, extinguishing, phasing out in the 13th century |