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organnoun a publication that appears at regular intervalsthat newspaper is intended as an organ for the whole university community book, bulletin, diurnal, gazette, journal, mag, magazine, newspaper, paper, periodical, rag, review, serial, zine annual, bimonthly, biweekly, daily, monthly, quarterly, semimonthly, semiweekly, triweekly, weekly, yearbookdigest, little magazinefanzinepictorial, slickbroadside, edition, extra, sheet, supplement, tab, tabloidnewsletter, newsmagazine, newsweekly something used to achieve an enduses the business as an organ to fund a variety of political and social causes agency, agent, instrument, instrumentality, machinery, means, medium, ministry, vehicle determinant, expedient, factor, influence, ingredient, mechanism, toolweaponactivator, animator, catalyst, driver, energizer, executor, generator, impetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, instigator, launcher, mover, power, stimulus, triggerantecedent, cause, occasion, reasonsubagency, subagent before the 12th century |